Environmental Goals - Oiltec

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Envirnomental Goals

  • Oil Tec continued efforts to improve energy efficiency such as implementing steam reuse methodologies in heating the oil system and updating performance systems in all our operations.

  • Oil Tec changed all steam boiler lighters from diesel to natural gas & adjusting the combustion system which leads to the reduction of carbon emissions and environmental pollution.

  • Oil Tec supply chains organized the supply process for service providers from the industrial zone in Sadat City, thus reducing the movement of cars, reducing carbon emissions, reducing the number of operating hours of cars, and thus reducing the number of times to change car motor oils.

  • Oil Tec operations team have policies and procedures in place theat determine the correct operation related to waste management.  For this purpose, we conduct critical analysis tests to verify performance, with measurement on scales and laboratory analysis of effluents.

  • Oil Tec works on the treatment of industrial wastewater in a scientific way to obtain water that conforms to the legislation and laws, used for irrigation around the company, and used for washing floors, thus reducing the consumption of city water.

  • Oil Tec collects mineral oils resulting from changing motor oils for equipment and cars, and delivers them to petrol stations to be disposed in their treatment units.

Administration & Factories: Lot no.8, 2nd Industrial zone, Sadat City - Egypt
Mobile: 201116662760
Email: info@oiltecegypt.com
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